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3 Smart Ways To Care For Your Car

Whether it’s old or fairly new, whether you’ve been careful or kind of careless, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to caring for a used car

…It’s a really good thing to feel comfortable in the cars we drive, but it’s a not-so-good thing when we get too comfortable and start slacking on maintenance! Much like any relationship, we need to nurture the time we have with our wheels – be it while driving around town, while it’s left in a nearby parking lot, or while it’s been stored in a garage.

The reason why it’s important to take responsibility as current owners, is to prevent our used cars’ resale values from decreasing greatly. Yes,  getting more cash for cars mostly depends on their conditions. However, reminds you exactly how easy it is to take some simple steps to make both your current ‘owning experience’ and future ‘secondhand car selling experience’ so much more rewarding!

Smart spotting

It’s a given that driving carefully by not exceeding speed limits and keeping those blindspots in sight are all great starting points to prevent unnecessary bumps, dents and crash incidences. But, if you want to set your car apart from the other 1000s of pre-owned cars for sale, you’ll need to clean it inside-out at least once a week. Bird droppings, for example, are acidic and can cause discolouration to any paint job. Also, dirt and grime will find a permanent home in your interior if you don’t make an effort to vacuum and wipe it down with a damp cloth and some fresh Handy Andy.

Smart parking

Be it at malls, event venues, friends’ houses or outside in the street, try to find a parking spot in the shade. After prolonged periods outside, the sun’s heat can be very damaging not only to your car’s exterior, but also its interior. Besides causing a painted body to fade, the dashboard on the inside may crack and the plastic features inside may melt and deform. In cases where there’s no cover at all, using window or sun shades will do!

Smart storage

If you know you won’t be using your car for a more than a week, be sure to park it in a secure place – ideally, a garage. Before taking a break from driving it, give it a good wash, fill up the tank with fuel and ask a licensed driver you trust (perhaps a close friend or family member?) to take your car around the block at some point during your absence. This will all help to keep the engine oiled and the battery fresh!

Trust us, the small daily commitments you make to taking better care of your wheels will pay off! 

If, however, the time has already come for you to sell your car for cash and you’re not sure how much you’ll actually get for it, don’t worry – there are hundreds of cash buyers on making offers on used cars in all kinds of conditions every day!

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