Do the right thing when selling your car & be ‘Weelee sure’

Do the right thing when selling your car

There are many things in life that are just plain wrong. But messing up and feeling foolish are part of being human and we all have those little embarrassing stories to tell: 

  • Stalking your crush from 7 years ago and liking their social media posts 🙈, 
  • When we waved at someone who was not waving at us 🙈,
  • Forgetting our wedding anniversary (2 years in a row) 🙈, 
  • Still typing ‘www’ in the Google search bar 🙈, 
  • Googling yourself 🙈 or pretending you’re a Jedi when walking through an automatic sliding door 🙈! 

We cannot help you with the above faux pas list – you’re on your own – but we can step in and help you when it comes to selling your car. This is a big action item you do not want to get wrong. To do it right is as simple as typing ‘Weelee’ into the search bar (no need for the ‘www’). 😉 

The ‘oh-so-wrong’ way of selling your car

Because we really care and are your BFF when it comes to selling a car, we want to do this the right way. The first thing is outlining the less-than-best options available to you when it comes to parting with your second-hand vehicle. 

You could try to sell it privately but the logistics and potential scammers are a nightmare. To assist you in not getting railroaded into making a foolish decision when selling your car, we have simplified the potential warning signs and personified them into 3 stereotypical caricatures so you can see them coming a mile away. (To be ‘Weelee sure’ – this is not a typo – our industry advice is that you do not add any of these scenarios to your list of embarrassing tales). 

 If you choose to Weelee it for the best cash price, then selling your car will never become one of those embarrassing stories where you did things the wrong way.

And just like you wouldn’t trust your dog to sniff out a buyer for your car, you shouldn’t trust any of the above to get you the best cash price for your used vehicle.  

You really can get more for your car. All you have to do is Weelee it!

The ‘just right’ way of selling your car

Selling your car online is obviously a smart move, but you still need to be savvy as not all online platforms are created the same. (It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there). 

Let’s cut to the chase – there are 3 main goals when selling a car online:

  1. You want the best deal – i.e. multiple, competitive offers.
  2. You want the best online experience, viz. a quick, hassle-free and secure online platform.
  3. You want the best customer care service. 

A tall order, to be sure, but here at Weelee, we are committed to all three and we are not in the business of embarrassing ourselves by not keeping our promises. (Otherwise, we would never keep our 5-star customer service rating and 10/10 trust index rating on HelloPeter).

 If you choose to Weelee it for the best cash price, then selling your car will never become one of those embarrassing stories where you did things the wrong way.

From the moment you type ‘Weelee’ into the search bar, the obligation-free process – from upload to sale – will make you feel like a dog with two tails. Our innovative platform is so user-friendly and one of our Weelee consultants is ready to hold your hand every step of the way. 

‘Weeleeing it’ and being ‘Weelee sure’ are really all about selling your car the right way. 

Go ahead – the best deal awaits as soon as you ‘Weelee it.’
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